Curious Palate | A Sense of Place
10-02-2024 6:00 pm
-7:30 pm
This month we celebrate International Landscape Day…and Arts Month! Landscapes present a moment that offers a sense of a place; wine does that as well! So, for this Curious Palate tasting adventure, we are going to explore how “terroir” - soils, aspect, climate, winemakers and more come together to create a sense of place for wine. Come learn about it!
Curious Palate | Drinking with Your Eyes
11-06-2024 6:00 pm
-7:30 pm
This month we celebrate Origami Day! The paper that is often used is called kami and becomes art when it is folded. While special paper is not generally used for wine labels, the art that is printed on it often sells the bottle. So, for this Curious Palate tasting adventure, we are going to present wines with fantastic art that will make you want to take it home to sip, then display!
Curious Palate | Wrap It Up!
12-04-2024 6:00 pm
-7:30 pm
This is the month of Gifting…with beautifully papered packages dressed with ribbons and bows. Also a time where we celebrate those who are a gift in our lives and community! So, for this Curious Palate tasting adventure, we are going to celebrate the Gift that is Auric Art Gallery, Abby and Gundy, and the power of the moments that happen in this space. This will be a blind tasting of favorite styles or varieties of our Gallerists (Abby & Gundy), our Tasting Magic Makers (Michaela, Casey & Dennis), and our Concessionaires at Sovereignty Wines!